Throneroom Ministries

About Us and Throneroom Ministries
Sunday - March 9, 2025

Welcome to Throneroom Ministries. Our prayer is that you will be richly blessed as you grow with us in a deeper walk with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our journey began in April 1998 as we experienced personal and financial problems that literally brought us to our knees. Although we knew of Jesus before this time and served Him in ministry, what we experienced that year was what was to become a deep personal relationship with Yahweh God. It was a journey that would lead us to a love walk that we never dreamed imaginable, a peace that has surpassed all understanding, and an infilling of the Holy Spirit that has guided us in His truth.

This ministry began in April 2008 with a word from the Lord. As I, Theresa, was preparing for my day, the Lord spoke a mighty word to my heart. "Many christians are waiting in the wings, wondering why I have not been using them. These are perilous times and my people have been put here for this day and time. These are the last days and the battle has begun. The alarm has been sounded and the time is near for those who were brought here for the battle, to step out, to fight the good fight of faith. The time is at hand." Shortly after that, he told me that our ministry is to be called Throneroom Ministries. Out of obedience to His word, and with much prayer, we have begun the creation of this ministry and this website, Together with my husband Roger we wait for further direction from the Lord. Throneroom Ministries and this website will grow as the Lord directs, for we know that our call is to bring others into a deeper, closer walk with Him.

As you watch the news today, it is easy to get caught up in the things of this world and to walk in fear. But behold, Jesus has overcome the world. Are you walkng in fear, are you concerned about your finances, do you have family problems, marital issues or trouble with your children? Are there health issues that have you walking in fear? Do you lay awake at night and wonder if you will survive? Do you wonder if the tears will ever stop flowing? We encourage you to turn to the word of the Lord, get into a good Spirit-filled church, and most importantly spend time in prayer every day. Bow down before the Almighty Lord and bring it all to His thone of grace. We promise you that He will walk with you every minute of every hour of every day. He will never leave you nor forsake you. You will never be alone, and through your trials you will be refined like gold.

Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.   Hebrews 4:16

May the Lord be with you as you find comfort at His throne.

Theresa and Roger Bolser

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